
we provide services over 40 years of experience

Based on a partner-led approach, Essam Ghorab & Co. provides a tailored audit and assurance service that suit the needs of its clients and their business. We strive to go beyond a financial statement opinion to help you identify and manage your risks (control, compliance and operational risks) as well as generate value-added ideas and solutions. Our audit service enables you to transfer numbers into accurate, unbiased and objective information that your stakeholders demand. As with all areas in which we operate, our aim is to ensure that your business derives optimum value from the audit process. We aim to create a transparent and open relationship in which our people are able to support your in-house teams in a manner that mirrors your structure. Your relationship with your trusted business advisor ensures that we add value to you at all times.

Our services :

• Professionalism
Ghorab & Co is a professional entity that provides it's clients with the resources they need to maximize their opportunities .

• Independency
An independent audit is one of the foundations for establishing trust in the capital markets .

• Dedication
Ghorab & Co is dedicated to providing the resources and technological tools necessary to support our engagement teams as they deliver Audit services to a wide range of clients .

• Client oriented
Ghorab & Co provides other professional services to meet all our clients' needs .